Sunday, May 26, 2013

DIY-ing my first (well...DIY) Recesky Twin Lens Reflex Camera

          Honestly, I never thought of a feeling (of) being an engineer (or something) before as I don't come from that part of world...I am from the other part where nobody cares (alololo self-sympathizing). But then, after completing the assemble of this DIY Recesky Twin Lens Reflex Camera that I bought from Lazada, I actually got that engineer kinda feeling...However I did frantically suffer in the first place to achieve the satisfaction in the end wihuuu....Here's a peek at what I've been doing for the whole day, yup repeat after me...THE WHOLE DAY (only managed to publish photos of disassembly and reassembly after I screwed an inner part too tight that the spring mechanism was not functioning properly)...

disassembling & reassembling in the process

done! these are the assistants for today

...and the process of installing a film negative into the camera. Done!

          The manufacturer recommends a whole hour to get things done and unfortunately I completed the assembly process for about 3 hours, adding a 2 hours break and another 1 and a half hour of disassembling & reassembling (yup, imagine all that...huhh~). Overall, totally satisfied that I done all these by myself even far more than that of suggested time hihi...

          I'm going to use it for next week reception in Kuala Terengganu. Can't wait for the results! (Hmm, thinking of giving this baby a cute cover stained by Sharpies later...wait for it!)

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